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Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Boycott Mexico !!!

Boycott Mexico !!

Do not give your tourist dollars to Mexico !

Spend them in the beautiful American Southwest !

Mexico has become increasingly aggressive and hostile to the United States and disrespectful of our laws. • It has demanded amnesty for all Mexicans who enter the U.S. illegally. • It demands that the U.S. increase quotas for legal immigration by Mexicans so that Mexico can ship its surplus population to the U.S. • According to a Pew Hispanic Center poll, 21% of Mexican adults say they plan to come to the U.S. even if they have to do so illegally. • According to the DHS, 70% of the illegal aliens now in the U.S. are from Mexico • No other country in the world behaves towards the U.S. with such insolence and arrogance. • And within Mexico, violence is more pervasive than ever.

In light of these undisputed facts,


hereby urges all Americans to avoid Mexico as a tourism destination, whether for a night of partying, a day stop on an ocean cruise, a weekend of off-roading, a week of studying archeological ruins, or two weeks at a luxury resort. There are many wonderful people in Mexico, and we regret the negative effects – hopefully short-term – this may have on them. We count on them to demand better, more civilized behavior on the part of their own government.

We urge that all Americans adhere to this boycott until the Mexican government meets the following demands. The Mexican government must:

1. Cease all attempts to interfere with enforcement of U.S. immigration law.

2. Cease all attempts to influence U.S. immigration legislation.

3. Cease all financial support of individuals and organizations in the U.S. that protect, harbor, or provide services to illegal aliens in the U.S.

4. Cease the issuance of matriculas consulares to Mexican citizens residing illegally in the U.S.

5. Reimburse annually to the U.S. federal and state governments, the costs of incarceration of Mexican illegal aliens in U.S. prisons and jails.

6. Cease encouraging Mexican citizens to enter the U.S. illegally and giving them advice as to how to escape detection once here.

AUHTM is a coalition of peaceful, law-abiding organizations working toward the halting of illegal immigration, attrition of the illegal alien population by enforcement, and reduction of the U.S. population growth rate. We welcome new organizations who share our objectives and understand the threat that Mexico represents to the United States.

1 comment:

  1. I can’t believe what the Mexican government is doing to people like Brenda Martin. In Mexico its common for parents on vacation to be murdered in there hotel room, having your wife raped, being murdered for a few dollars. What happens when you go to the authorities and find that they are just as corrupt as the criminals. I for one am boycotting Mexico until the government trys to resolve their internal corruption. I found a petition that may help put pressure on the Mexican government to change. www.dontvisitmexico.com
