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Sunday, March 16, 2008

Illegal Aliens...

So, are you going to be one to call me a racist? Are you going to be one to call me a hate monger because I believe in stopping the invasion of ALL illegal aliens into this great nation?

Let me ask you this. What part of the word ILLEGAL don't you get? When you cross our borders illegally you are a criminal. Your first act, in the nation that can potentially give you all the freedoms and opportunities you desire, is breaking its laws. What do you do the first time you visit some ones house? Steal their belongings? It is a crime!! I don't care how much you try to justify it. If you cross the borders of the United States of America illegally, you are a criminal and you should be treated as such.

Once here, you refuse to learn our language. You refuse to learn our culture, or history. You refuse to adapt to our way of life. Instead you bitch and moan about how unfair America is. How racist we are. How intolerant we are. In the meantime, while you are bitching, you are living off my tax dollars and tax dollars of every legal tax payer in America including those immigrants who cared for and believed in this country enough to come here legally. You destroy and bankrupt our hospitals and emergency rooms. (Follow these two links to see for yourself): http://www.theamericanresistance.com/issues/health_ca


You hold protests anytime someone suggests making Englsh Americas "official" lanuage. Why? Are you too damn lazy to learn? You go to our public schools for free and demand that classes also be taught in Spanish. How arrogant is that. Americans can't go to Mexico and say I really don't feel like teaching our children Spanish so you will just have to teach your classes in English.

I remember one pro-illegal alien protest where people went to a United States Post Office and lowered the American flag and raised a Mexican flag in its place. Do you understand how offensive that is? In the meantime they were screaming about how they were not Americans, but rather they were Mexicans living in America. I have a suggestion. Why don't you be a Mexican living in Mexico. You come here and complain about how rotten we are, then why not go back home where it must be so much better. I have another suggestion. You are so good at protesting our citizens and our governments, why can't you go back to where you came from and protest your own government? Protest to stop their corruption. To make your country a better one and stop declining ours.

Now I am not a racist. I welcome anyone to this great country. I am totally aware that unless you are a Native American you are an immigrant. But the difference between now and then is that then, people felt blessed to be here. They worked their asses off to learn our lanuage, and cultures, and obeying our laws and Constitution. Those coming across the borders today, come across with a false belief that Americans owe them something. You feel you are entitled to free healthcare and education. In the meantime hard working Americans go bankrupt trying to pay medical bills. Bills that are inflated partly because it costs so much to pay for the illegals. It is frustrating to us American citizens that love and respect this country. But you don't care about that. You just want your free handouts.

Please, by all means come to this country. But do it legally. Learn our language. Learn our cultures. Respect us, our feelings, and our country and we will stop despising you and will start supporting you in the best ways we can. Is that really too much to ask? If America really means that much to you, you would do what you have to do to come here legally. If you don't, that just tells us you don't give a damn about us, our culture, or our country. And as far as I am concerned you need a big fat boot in the ass right back across the border.

I know we can't deport everyone that is here illegally. That's just too hard a task especially when there are an estimated 12-20 million illegals here. I say we need to start enforcing the laws that already exist in this country very aggressively. If you are caught employing illegals you should get severe fines and penalties. Same if you rent housing to illegals. Repeat offends risk losing their business licenses. No more free health care for illegals and no more free education. No free handouts of any kind unless you can prove you are legal citizen. If the governments in the U.S. would enforce these 3 things, I believe you would see a massive exodus out of the United States.

I love my country even with all its many flaws. I love the people of this country. I want to preserve this great nation. Those that come here need to conform to us instead of us to them. This is the United States of American. Our language is English. We are the most diverse and caring country in the history of this planet. We are blessed to live here. Most of us are blessed to have been born here. We are "one nation under God." We are the "land of the free, and the home of the brave." We true Americans pledge allegiance to our flag. We don't desecrate it in protests. Come here, but come here in respect by coming here legally. If you do, you have my deepest heart felt appreciation and blessings.

God bless America

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